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(2 edits)

Stefan, first of all, thanks for your time and effort to bring a nice text adventure nowadays. Although I just finished it (including the add-on as well) recently, I have to say that despite the old two-word logic (which for experienced adventurers was odd till you get the hang of it), it was enjoyable with some nice puzzles included. The story was interesting too, including the addition of Io and the interaction between Olivia and it.

It's nice to hear that Hibernated 2 is under development (I guess), and a third part will finish this nice space trilogy.

The only downfall is the saving/loading routine. Even if you install the game on hard disk, it still searches for the floppy disk to save. There was a fix for the Amiga version of course, but hope later adventures will be able to run and save from a hard disk (I don't know if that's a limitation of DAAD).

Already supported of course by buying the physical copy of the game.

(1 edit)

Ouch, I must have missed your message for some reason. Yes, that's a DAAD limitation. Cheers and thank you so much for your support!