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Thanks for playing :-)
The game is still in development, but it should be ready in 5 days for the #GitHubGameOff deadline

Would you mind telling me what works, what doesn't and what you think is missing? The more feedback I get, the better.

Although most of the game is pretty good I have some feedback. You should more clearly show which moons are friendly and which are not, as well as which moon you are and where you are. Also some spots have bad writing/grammar so you should fix that. Other than that super fun game, if it was a real release with more levels I would totally buy it.

Thanks! I passed the text through a grammar checker and I hopefully fixed all the errors, although the difference between "shot" and "shoot" still is not clear in my head :-)

I'll see what I can do to make it more clear which moon is yours, which are friendly and which are enemies. I still have 4 days to figure that out, but it's in my TODO list.

I had some difficulties using the mouse to aim. First, I thought I was aiming in the direction of where the mouse was, but I figured I had to move the the mouse up and down to adjust the aim. I am not sure what works best though, I just found it a little confusing that’s all. Once I was able to aim, it became easier to play.

Now the aiming with crosshair is the default and the old aiming moving the mouse up and down is still available in the options.

Hopefully you find it more natural to aim now?

Thanks for the feedback!