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(2 edits) (-1)

I like the game so far, but I do have some, uh, possible criticism???

1) Max seems willing to hang out and talk with Alon, but then instantly goes off when he's in the bath. If just feels a little too out of character. 

2) I don't think using the word "retarded" is a good choice. It can be seen as offensive/insensitive to those who are actually mentally retarded. If the protag is really someone who would use language like that, I think the reader should experience that type of attitude/language earlier on. But of course, this is the demo, and it's a demo of the start of the game to boot. So...*shrug*

3) Wouldn't it make more sense for Luke to be a little more lenient towards Teak during the conversation with Burry if they chose the "arm wrestle" choice? Teak did cry over them and  gave them mouth to mouth after all.

I hope this makes sense!


Hey mate! Yeah, it totally makes sense! Thanks a lot for your feedback, I'll look into that! :)

I mean, even if I want to hangout with someone I would be very scared too if they come armed while I'm naked and afraid.