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wow!! this was so cool! i loved playing through this. you really ran with the concept and created a much more complete and interesting game. good work. you should feel proud! 💖

things i liked:

- all the items and gadgets were exciting to get and delightful to use. it felt like i was playing a miniature metroidvania.
- the music was moody and really amped up the atmosphere.

- the SHEEPS. 🐑 i screamed when i got to meet them. such perfect, innocent, hobbling things. SPOILER: what happened at the end ruined me. very effectively done.

- the art was lovely. especially the giant tree, the gem shrines, and the sheep (of course). the surface of the well shader is gorgeous, too. i stood there soaking it all in for quite some time.

- lots of interesting, diverse places to discover. each spot was unique enough that i had very little difficulty navigating and remembering where to go.

- the return of the basko ball hoop

things i disliked and felt could be improved:

- the slippery movement made the platforming sections needlessly difficult. perhaps increase the size of the invisible platforms, or increase the player friction?

- i would not have ever found the first key in the house without the assistance of fluffypanda's guide. consider making this a little more obvious, i fear this may stump and frustrate players before they get to experience the rest of the game!

- i didn't complete the game on my first play-through because i was standing in the big beacon atop the island, wondering why nothing was happening, wasting time. i eventually thought to go inside the big unlocked door, but the time ran out before i could. i would suggest making it obvious to the player they are not supposed to be outside on top of the island, but inside it instead. or increase the end-game timer so dumbos like me can fumble around and make a few mistakes. having to start all over again because i died three seconds from the beacon made me sad :(

- i miss the cherry blossoms! you shared an in-development screenshot featuring those and i thought they looked beautiful. i hope you consider adding them back in. 🌸


Wow! thanks for the ultra detailed comment. I will definitely take your suggestions into consideration. The updates may take a little time though (My daughter is about to be born in a couple weeks). Thanks again! It's really nice to get feedback on a project. OH and thanks for Tauon Conduit! Great game! and the reason this game even exists.