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You play as Orfeo on the way back to the Upper world. You find yourself in the last part of the Underworld, and you are carrying your wife Euridice with you, but the only restriction they gave you in exchange for her, is for you to not look back. You will need to find you way out of this labrynth without checking backwards.


  • W,S : Forward, Backward move
  • Space (Keep): Play the lyre (After a few seconds some notes will apear and ease the souls) 
  • Q: Skip dialogues
  • Mouse: Rotate camera

Special thanks to: Alberto RicoDilara Bozkurt & Isabella Kugler for your precious mentorship

Design: Raúl López Martín

Programming: Josioque

Art: Christian Villanueva

Menu and Narrative: Abraham "Pirty"

There are 2 options download, one of them has enviromental music from Max Ritcher (November).