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I finally finished part 3 of Red-Handed Robin and I just wanted to point out that Fletcher is NOT single by the end of the story. 

In all realness, this was a very exciting ending and I definitely didn't see some of the twists happening! Although it does lead to more questions than answers so I'm looking forward to what comes next. In particular the banter was amazing and although I romanced Wren, Jay really shined in part 3! He was so cool, and I think I actually screamed when I got to Wren's CG, it didn't disappoint lmao. 

My theories about the watches have yet to be confirmed, and I still have so many questions, how could you leave us on a cliffhanger Missy?! 


xD Fletcher doesn't have to worry about being single ever again.

Wren's CG is my favorite of the two, so I'm glad you liked it!

As for all the loose threads- I had written another version of the ending that explained a few things, but it was very info-dumpy and, in my opinion, didn't fit well with the rest of the story. I opted to leave the greater mysteries up to interpretation for now, because they will eventually be addressed in another project... One I'm currently in the planning stages of >:3


Ohh interesting! I respect that decision, those would've been some big reveals, and I can see how it might be anticlimactic.

I'm really excited for the new project! Mostly because of Corbin and the other characters you've hinted at so far as much as I'll miss the cast of this game haha.  No rush though, I look forward to what you come up with next. :^D

I wouldn’t write off the old cast just yet!