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OMG like this game is just soooo fetch!

I have played P4P twice now and it just keeps getting more wild and more fun.  I get to relive my teen years doing all the things I was too scared/nerdy to do when I actually was a teen. 

The mechanics give a great sense of the ups and downs of teenage life. My grade A queen bee ruled the school for two years before the nasty dice turned and totally tanked her status. Every year there is an opportunity to reinvent yourself - she took a swift change in direction, caught the bus and made some new friends. 

The format makes it really easy to jump into, perfect for engaging folks who are new to RPGs. The content is super engaging too, everyone has been a teenager and everyone can connect with an unfulfilled teen dream or two.

Go buy it now!!!

thank you Kiri! I love seeing things happen in game that you could never predict before hand 👌🏽