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The concept is really cool, I like the fact that we can switch between virus! 

The art style is coherent, especially between the main menu and the gameplay, I felt that I was really in the guts of the computer :D

However, there are two main flaws for me: 

- The music is quite repetitive.

- It is too bad that the virus are not automatically transported to the next room when one of them enters in the new room, I think that it would have add a better pace for the game.

Overall good job!


I agree there was only time to make one song. In the 1.1build the music will switch between checkpoints. 

This was the weirdest bug. The virus' are supposed to spawn in each room but for some reason it's only 1-2 or none of them (again, to be fixed in 1.1)

Thanks for playing! awesome feedback