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(1 edit)

i am installing it now, will report back

still doesn't work but thanks anyway

Is the build log different now ?

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i belive it's excactly the same but i don't understand half of it

this happens when i load the project tho

LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class None.'

not sure if it has anything to do with the error tho

(1 edit)

You can search for the word error in the log and it gives precious hints. The previous error was that windows 8.1 sdk was not installed.

It has changed, it now says that there is no 32bit compiler toolchain.

Do you have any visual studio installed with C++ enabled ?

If not, you can download just the visual build tools here : http://landinghub.visualstudio...

i have that actually, anyway thanks for all the help and i love your game