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Really fun game, although only played multiplayer for a short time before being disconnected from the server. Played the drunk guy and the boomer and they both seemed to have pretty unique playstyles, so I'm looking forwards to trying the rest.

The designs for both the characters and enemies are simple and endearing. I liked all the ones I saw and there's just enough juice to feel satisfying.

Entering a multiplayer match as a new player can be a little overwhelming. Some sort of tutorial would be nice (although I guess playing single-player is kinda a tutorial)  It would be nice to be able to pause in single player to make reading flavor text easier.

Thank you! Yeah, that pause button in single player is a good idea. I just don't want to get players too comftorable I guess since I intend most play to be online... But it's probably for the best.

I test from the midwest, so any connections too far away from that region might be kind of rough. Official servers soon though!

I appreciate the kind words.