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Hi Nakade, good question! If you made a game specifically for this jam and you started/finished making the game early, you can totally submit it once the jam officially starts. If you made the game for a previous jam or are just looking to promote your latest work, I would politely ask that you not submit the game.

That's a very reasonable stance to take, and I will think about that any submissions I decide to make, thanks!

I'm thinking about making a supplement for one of my already-existing TTRPG's, so that way I'm promoting my own (free) work  while also creating something new for the jam (a post-apocalyptic world to match the jam's theme, but also one I've been wanting to make for a while). You might think about doing the same thing... you have a whole month to work on it and it will be a good way to promote your already  existing work. Just make sure you have a free "quick start rules" available so people can try it for the jam.