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Hi there! Your .tap file appears to be corrupt. When trying to load it in Fuse, I'm told "libspectrum: libspectrum_tap_read: not enough data in buffer". BASin does load it, but the source code looks wrong, and the game won't start. Hope this helps, and sorry.


Which emulator do you use?

This time I used the (32-bit) Windows version of Fuse, running under Wine. It worked just fine for pretty much everything else.


Thank you for your notice, I found the error.
I used the ZX Spectrum part of the ep128 emulator. It works fine, it can load .tap and .tzx files, but... it I save, the .tap file become corrupt. The ep128 emulator itself can correctly read this bad tape (so I couldn't take notice, that this tape is bad), but any other emulators (or tape-handling tool) can't read this file.

Yet finally I fixed it:
Many thanks for the bug-report! :-)