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This game is amazing! I am really enjoying it so much. The way it captures the organic feeling of something like dwarf fortress without the complexity is something I never imagined.

However, I'm discovering some problems with the layout. For instance, it would be great if the quick rules had page numbers for all the different charts. Or if the charts you needed to use all the time (the club and spade charts) weren't right in the middle of the book. There's no subheader for repairing and draining rooms, which makes it hard to find.

Also, why I'm commenting; I've also seen some errors "page X" errors as mentioned below, and the non-existant "wolf cannon". I also see that an "Inspiring " legendary find (pdf pg 35, row 8) makes units fight with 50% of their strength. Perhaps this should be +50%? In the quick reference rules, under draining rooms, it says units in flooded rooms are destroyed... but that's the only place I can find that rule.

I hope these small issues can get fixed, because I'm really looking forward to playing more of this awesome game, in an even more polished state.

(1 edit) (+2)

Another small thing. Prisons are way too good. 20<> each turn per full prison? And the only drawback is if they get disconnected you end up with a tiny cluster of angry prisoners? It's twice as good as the "Creation" legendary find, which gives 20 <3 per turn, and the drawbacks (seem) very easy to mitigate.

Mechanics aside, I'd also prefer if the best room in the game wasn't an overflowing prison. The idea that you can't really build a successful dungeon without prisons... weird and feels like it's something better for RISE where you're trying to be evil.

EDIT: what about keeping prisons, and splitting the money into a seperate workshop room (which makes 5 <> per turn, or 10<> when adjacent to a full prison)?


Completely Agree - I was carefully planning using Storehouses, Overseer's Offices and Shrines of Fortune and could barely get by.

Then in another game, I just created 3 prisons and that was enough for me to just load my dwarfhold with fully-housed cannon outposts, just one straight ladder going down, and on each layer 2 outposts and a dorm. That's 150 ranged attack per layer with no reset cost between combats. All sourced by prisons, and my resources would just be capped constantly.


Another item I found. The Burgalar Alarm Invention gives you a bunch of benefits... but they don't match up with the Thieves event it references. Alarms say you don't lose half your treasure, and are treated as rolling a 4 - while Thieves say on a 1 you lose half your treasure and on 2+ you have to chase them or they steal half. I'm fine if burgalar alarms mean I just bypass the roll, but how much do they steal if they don't steal half?


Found Another typo: on PDF p37, Twinned Ancient Monstrosity has text that says [eye icon], rather than the actual icon.


I found another typo, Units connected to kitchens "get 50% STR". presumably this is a bonus of 50%, not set to 50%.


Me again, I came across an edge case: what happens when you draw a joker when you're not exploring? For instance, I build a library and draw a card to see what spell I get - and it's a joker.

Obviously, I can decide what to do with that draw - I can say my researchers developed a legendary find - but given most other cases are covered in the rules I figured I'd ask about this.


Hey Ronar, wish I had you looking at it before it got printed.

Normally I'd say just ignore the joker and take the next card but your interpretation is a great example of Rule #1: Have fun!


There's a law of the universe that if you get something printed, the first thing you will do is open it and find a typo. 

Honestly, despite all the small errors in the world I can say one thing: this game is amazing. I look forward to whatever you make next. :)

Thank you so much :)

Next in the pipeline is the UMBRA: Stations expansion which is shaping up to be pretty cool.

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