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The game starts amazingly! love the style and the feeling of being hacked since it showed i’m using a mac + my laptops name :P very nice! The intro text is a bit small and it looks like its auto scaling while the letter slowly pop up the screen the text moves over the screen since it adjusting size all the time.

And apparently the game is really heavy, my computer can’t take it. this might be my problem since its not the newest laptop but for a game like this it should have been fine i guess.. But its to hard to play i’m afraid with this huge lag. I would have loved too, since i love the whole vibe and art style, its very well done! Just cant do the second jump because of the lag. so sorry! i would have loved to give you feedback on your game :( let me know if there is a new version that might run better for me. So i can try it again!  my guess its the bloom effect maybe its to heavy since its on everything. Maybe it helps to have a glow or white shadow instead of bloom on the UI?


Hi GuldorGames, Thanks for playing my game! I understand the game is heavy and you had problems playing it, I will try to optimize it in future versions, but I'm afraid I can only optimize it so far sense post processing doesn't really play well with me editing with it. Other then that, I have been fighting the canvas on this game for a long time, and I will try to figure out what's going on with the GUI scaling issue. Again thank you for playing my game, and I will try to optimize it as much as possible in the next bug fix update!


I know the GUI struggle all to well! In Unity it apparently it helps to lock things to the corners of the screen and not the center and have a fixed screen ratio. Also a grid structure does not work, better use horizontal en vertical holders instead of a premade n. At leased that's my experience. More then that is just endless battles and all of a sudden it seems to work (until you chance things..)