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The game itself definitely feels like a beginner made it, there's some sort of idea here but it's not entirely being conveyed. Instead of just instantly restarting, the player should have some sort of death animation, even if just exploding. It doesn't scream PS1 to me. Movement is actually too fast. World needed to be more than just the same repeating thing over and over again infinitely. Shooting the ghosts isn't bad actually, can be somewhat satisfying, but needs more. I do like the attempt at an intro cutscene, and It is also cool you built it in python too, so it was from-scratch. Overall it needed more: a game-play loop that felt satisfying to fulfill. As it is, it is a bit bland. Good luck on your future games and don't give up, I think you can make something great.

Thank you very much for the feedback and yes you could say a beginner made it since I made it from scratch using Python only and I did not really know how to make a platformer in python so yeah, thank you for the feedback!