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"Increased difficulty as suspicion grows."
The investigator is just standing in place. I'm at 75% suspicion. He wouldn't move for the love of god. xD

I really liked the description of the game and also the graphics, so I checked it out. I would really love if the lore would reflect on the gameplay as well.

It has small minigames at different places similar to those in Among Us. But in Among Us the fun part isn't doing those minigames, but the rest of the game. However here the gameplay is doing these minigames. Which seemingly don't affect anything, since the Investigator can see them way before I could finish a given minigame. So I'm just running around un-haunting objects, while the Investigator runs around increasing Suspicion.

And with this being said, the minigames aren't bad. But not good enough for the main gameplay. And I get that it's supposed to have an impact on the game overall, since the Investigator doesn't find anything if you un-haunt the objects... But they get haunted way too quick, and seemingly infinitely, so your actions seem to convey no impact at all.

(the graphics are great, by the way.)


Thanks for the feedback: we're taking all of this into account as we balance and change the game!