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Firstly i must say this game looks beautiful, the assets that have been sued look great which almost justify the 2.7gb download file! Which is mental.

Okay so the concept is simple you simply hit space to move the ball based on the direction of the arrow. Simple yet incredibly frustrating due to the speed of the arrow. Getting over the first wall took longer than i would like to admit and at times accidentally going back over the wall and losing my progress was infuriating.

So in that regard good job! Your game does exactly what it is supposed to do in that regard.

Background noise was nice and calming which actually made it even more infuriating! 

The game does exactly what it set outs to do which is frustrating the player at every turn while trying to move the ball. Looks visually great and the movement of the ball seems to be solid.Great job overall and i will for some reason continue to keep playing it.

Aw thank you man, I'm going to continue to add more to this level, add background detail, and improve the overall experience. So, stayed tuned for that.

And it's gonna get more frustrating. Trust me.