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(1 edit) (+1)

One of the best games I tried in this jam if not the best, the Gameplay is simply phenomenal you can't get bored of it although the jumping is a little bit glitchy like in the loop level you were able to jump under the loop itself and the left and right movements where a little bit slow but other than that the game is just something else from other games in this jam the artstyle reminds me of the original quake 2 one of my favorite games of all time the sounds are great the game really doesn't fit the theme that good I think it didn't have anything related to direction (except for moving forward I guess). My best is 90.40 seconds I guess that's an okay record.

Hey. Thanks for the in-depth review! The quake aesthetics were exactly what I was going for :) It also got a lot of the movement style from those kind of games. I understand that other games implemented the theme better than I did. My take on the theme was that you constantly move in one direction (forward) as fast as possible. I think you can tell that I really struggled with this theme :D