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(1 edit)

Hi, sorry to hear you're having problems with the key mapping. I believe if you use the Azerty mapping, you should be able to play the rhythm game using AZER instead of QWER (even though the key images don't change). Let me know if that works out for you. If not, I'm planning to work on adjustable key bindings in the near future, so I'll reply to this post once that's added to the game.


Hello again!

Sorry… If I play with a QWERTY mapping, only E and R are responsive (Q and W don’t work).

And, if I try with an AZERTY mapping, nothing works :(

Hi! Thanks for getting back to me :)

So I'm planning to update the game really soon, that will have a quick fix so that QWERTY should work for you. Doing the AZERTY/other keybinding settings will take some more time~

I'll let you know when the update comes out


Yay! Thanks !

Hi, sorry it's taken a bit longer than I'd originally planned but the update is out now (with the QWER quick fix) let me know if you have any issues with it~