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Thanks for playing, we are aware of most of this issues and working on fixing them. The game is a haunted attraction which turns into horror :P If we could get more  funds we will work on audio.  We are about to release Halloween DLC map.  we are having a contest to win the Full game on Discord.  link in Description.

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I don't know how many people are in your team but, I am a music producer and have worked in sound design for a few games. You can find them on here too. If you'd like to check them out, look up "Aislin's Story: Bloodbath Trials" and "A Grim's Tale," by Owl Nest Studios and "El Masmelo" by RBD for a scream jam. I only look for credit to expand my portfolio and if there is income, I'm down for that too, I mean, who wouldn't be?? lol. Again, I do wish the best for all of you. If you want to contact me, my email is

thanks, i recorded your information. I will send you an email when we need audio work done. currently we just plan to update the voice actors.  but not anytime soon.

Sounds good. Stay safe out there.