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This is why I love indie games. Amazing idea and glorious realisation!

What I love about this one:

  • Ants. I love these tiny fellows, so any game about them would make me happy.
  • Humans are stupid and can't do complicated things. This is a hilarious concept! And I love the group willpower system, that combines HP and frustration — it's easy and fun.
  • Hard bargain from the players to the game master. What a great twist on the PbtA mechanic!
  • Two queens with two different move lists. This helps to separate them not only within the narrative.
  • Table of results — it's a great way to end the game.
  • Visuals. Design and layout are very good, especially for the game jam.

Nice job! Would certainly try to play it!


Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun making this one and stumbled onto a lot of things that I want to try and transfer into a bigger project. And again, thanks for hosting this!!!