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Very good story, sounds, and atmosphere!

I like how sometimes you are glimpsed, like by the dog, or when she was hurt, though I was a bit confused by "I'm not dead yet you vulture!" since it was said as you leave, so I thought at first that I was supposed to do something - it would have been clearer if it was said when you approach.

I like how much expression is in where people look, how they pause, start to do something and stop and such - the dog even looked old by the way he moved. I like how in the past that could have been, the past self glimpses the future self. I also like the climb up the mountain passing through the seasons of life - the arrangements of the scenery were able to make it feel very high up, even on the limited screen.

How many secrets are there? Is there ever anything in the two forest spots off the path?

Thank you for a very good story!


Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you enjoyed it. There are about 6 or 7 secrets, depending on what you consider a secret.  Some of them are very minor. The more 'major' secrets have to do with the river. I'll leave the forest spots a mystery for now...