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Thank you so much for all your work on this awesome mod!
I'm not sure if this is the place to report bugs, or if this is actually a bug, but the Blastmaster's Super Venter doesn't stay in the inventory between levels the way the berserk gauntlets do, which is very sad.  Also a much less important bug, the blastmaster plasma gun says it's a ranger grenade launcher when picked up, rather than a fission sweeper.  

The berserk tier item varies from class to class, the Super Venter is a power up that lasts for the duration of the stage, so that one's intentional. The plasma gun being called the grenade launcher is a definite screw up on my part and it's something I've actually fixed for this big update I'm working on.

I should probably add a bit of text somewhere to tell the player if their current class has a permanent or temporary berserk upgrade.

Ah, thank you.  It makes a bit more sense knowing the berserk gauntlets aren't as permanent as I had thought, discovering the rocket punch.  Also, the non-berserk rocket punch is hilarious, great touch.  

Ah you found that, very nice. Keep your eyes peeled because I'm going to make sure all of the sets have a cheeky secret. The crate weapons are in the process of being overhauled too, they won't need reloading anymore, but that button you pressed will be used to trigger the old reload animations and stuff for fun.