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I had flashbacks to the arcades of the 90's while playing this game. No doubt this game would have devoured my measly weekly allowance back in the day. The art is very polished, and the audio design fits perfectly. I especially appreciate the voice acting, which not only adds a dimension of immersion, but also helps reduce the burden of the UI to communicate what's going on so I can concentrate more on the action. Making the health meter switch to the bottom of the screen when June flies to the top is a brilliant touch, too.

The first stage is HARD. Maybe not Silver Surfer-grade hard, but it's still pretty unforgiving, and you go all the way back to the beginning when you die. I also don't like how easy it is to lose powerups - I'm lucky if I can keep one for more than a few seconds due to the amount of damage I take through the level. I couldn't finish the first level because I would get to the boss, then die and have to start over. Something about the balance should be adjusted, whether it's making powerups "stickier" or reducing the amount of bullets on screen at a time, and add a checkpoint before the boss so the player doesn't have to lose all of their progress.

Overall, this is an excellent entry and can be enjoyable if the player is either really good at dodging the bullets or willing to overcome the frustrating difficulty factor.


Thanks for playing, and thanks for the feedback!

I actually have several updates built that will be releasing at the end of the month. First, movement will now be precise (no more acceleration and deceleration), so dodging should be somewhat easier. Second, there are now difficulty settings... "Hard" will be the same as it is currently, and "Easy" will have a doubled health bar and the ability to retain weapons (laser, rocket, etc) upon hit. You'll still lose other power ups, but I think this mode should be more fun/forgiving to players who aren't big into SHMUPs.

Expect this update to be released around Oct 30th, for the end of Devtober. I hope you'll give it another look then!  Maybe ignore the new B-Side button though... that's a set of 3 new, even harder stages, lol!