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Mac version, please!

The lack of piece vertical piece rotations makes this game much harder than Blockout. After a while the only piece that could clear a level was a single vertical line or a piece with a downward projecting single cube. Those are rare enough that inevitably I have to cover holes just to keep going. It's like playing Tetris without being able to rotate and hoping that a line drops already pointing vertically.

Certain pieces could be rotated vertically. Any straight line could, and any piece with a single bend. The vertical 2x2 square couldn't, nor the horizontal four blocks in a tight curve. Removing any piece which contained those configurations, it would be possible to make a version of Bringis with Blockout-like rotation controls.

Thanks for playing Bringris and feedback!

While the lack of vertical rotations makes the game harder, the frequencies of various pieces have been adjusted to make it possible to play the game for a long time. Some players say that they can play almost indefinitely.

Added a Mac version (although it is quite slow on my old MacBook Air).

Thank you, and bought! There's a bit of weirdness with the packaging of the Mac executable, like an an extra layer of ".app" wrapping about the app. The extracted app wouldn't execute, but right-clicking it and choosing "show package contents" showed the proper app inside. I dragged that outside the inital app, and was able to launch it.