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(2 edits)

This game is great, the build variety is immense.  After 6 runs I was still seeing new options.  The game is definitely challenging, and anyone who places dice games knows a few bad rolls can screw you up, but Ive found that between the mana system, modifying dice, and having a little overlap in the roles there's plenty of consistency for the game to really reward skill based plays.  I would love to have some degree of randomness in what battles there are, just for long term replayability.  The roguelite nature of party building is so satisfying though, I just completed my first hardmode run with sharp shooter who could potentially deal 24dmg in 1 turn. ( end fight :D, was really proud of this build)

Not sure if this was a bug or not but the skills that say "Prevent all damage to this character" also completely cured poison.  

2 QoL things I'd love: if the quick dice mode let you view the attack tooltip by holding (and just tapping locked it in). Also being able to select heros with hotkeys such as 1-5, could be context based, so in rolling phase it toggles locking in that characters die, then in the attack phase it selects their attack.  


Great job; I watched your dragon fight and it's clear you understand the game perfectly. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your run!

I like your QoL ideas, I think I need to optimise for desktop better, I can use mouse-over to display information too.