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I’m going through the whole process, just to be on the safe side: Often times a game is available for more than one operating system. When you download a game make sure that it is the version for your operating system (probably windows). Usually the games on itch come in a packed format (the files end in .zip or .rar). After that file has finished downloading, unpack the game with right click. Then go into the folder that was created and double click the file ending with .exe. The game should then either start or display some kind of error message.

Rarely some games might require you to install some other things first. Those would be listed and linked under “Install instructions” on the game’s page and are free to download and use. (like “requires Microsoft’s .NET v3.5 framework and Visual C++ Runtimes to play.”)

It’s kind of hard to tell exactly what the issue could be from afar… :/ It’s possible that you’re trying to play games that are too demanding for your computer - although that sounds unlikely.

Depending on your situation, the quickest and easiest way might be to ask your friend to have a look. I honestly think they might be happy that you’re showing some interest in their hobby and would gladly help. Alternatively you could list some of the names of the games that give you trouble here. Maybe someone from the community owns one of them and had the same problem.


Hello! Thank you for the response!
I've tried to allow the "alternative download method" and  now, when I try to open the games exe it says the UnityPlayer.Dll is missing, but I can clearly see it's file on the exe's side! :(


This sounds like the developer of that game has missed some files. The best option would be to follow the instructions of how to install and play a game on its page. If that doesn’t work, then you need to contact the developer, and let them know the steps you followed and the OS you are using. Something like:

Hello, I’m running Windows 10, I downloaded your game <GameTitle> and after running the “.exe” file I get the error “missing file X”.

This will allow them to help you, in case you missed a step, or let them know there is an issue with their project, in case they are not aware of it.

Thank you, I might try that but I feel like it's something up with my acc or computer, because theres the same error on multiple games from different creators :(


Hmm there’s only one thing I can think of. Did you make sure to extract the downloaded archive before running the executable? I’ve noticed on latest versions of windows, when double clicking on an archive, it opens it like a folder. However if you just double click the executable that way, it won’t be able to read any other files in the archive, and will show an error that a file is missing.

If that’s the case, try right clicking the archive and select “Extract …” and select a destination. Then run the executable from there.

If that’s not the case, maybe it might be helpful if you provided an example of a project you tried, and the steps you followed, and someone who has tried the same game would be able to confirm if you missed a step.


Thank you! It seems a lot accurate to me! I'll try that next time! For now, I'llonly be downloading by the app, it worked!