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The first thing I saw was the main menu, and the font was a bit hard to read. Later I found that number were actually more readable than letters, so at least I can see how long it took me to beat the first level (I couldn't beat the second one). I guess reading isn't something players have to do a lot of (except maybe on the credits screen), but I still feel if I notice it takes effort to read the text, that's sorta like a bug.

Audio? I didn't hear any. There was a turned-on TV in the living room I was playing in, so if the sound was just too dim for me to notice, feel free to tell me that, and I'll try and play it in a more quiet environment next time.

I got through the first level, and tried several times to beat the second level, but I gave up. It was fun though.

And congrats on making your first jam game! It's my first jam too, and I certainly struggled with both fonts and audio (and even more with art and animation, which you seem to have gotten right). And you made a game with two levels in one week, that's pretty good!

Thanks for the feedback :)