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what's the issue?

It just says "Cannot read property 'build' of undefined" But I'm not sure what the means..?

at what point in the downloading/opening process are you getting the error? Did you unzip the folder and select the exe file in the unzipped folder?

I'm downloading from the app, so maybe that's why? I just press the download button and nothing happens, so I press it again and then I get the error.

not sure what you mean by app, but it's a windows only game, so you can't download it on mac or mobile.

(1 edit) (+2)

They mean the desktop app

Sorry, I mean that I downloaded on my windows computer and I usually do everything from there. Does it not work with that..?

i'm not sure since I've never used the desktop app. Can you try downloading from the website? ><

It worked! That's weird how it didn't work in the app, but I'm super happy I got to play it. From what I've played so far, it's really good with a super cute story! And the character designs are adorable!! ^^ Anyway, sorry for all the commotion, but I'm really glad it ended up working!! :D


glad it ended up working, thank you for enjoying! ^^


You need to add the platform the game runs on to the store tags to make the game downloadable through the Itch app.

I heard you can run Windows applications on Mac using a program called "Wine"... However, i'm not sure if this game WILL work on Wine if there is any external dll files that mac can't install.