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In the newest video I played version 1.6.1 and encountered a couple bugs and I  have some ideas for mechanics/improvements. A bug I have encountered a lot is when you caught in the stabbing animation, the qte for Q, E doesn't appear all the time. It confused me when it first happened and I  know it will be really bad for new players. Another thing I think is a bug, is when hiding in a locker, even if I walk the entire time, she will go straight to the room i'm in and walk right up to the locker I am hiding in. I  think a mechanic to be able to peek around corners would be pretty awesome as well. I  feel like having some kind of time limit would be good to have as well to add to the tension, like some kind of sanity meter. Maybe after a certain amount of time your sanity will make you pass out and you will lose, or maybe after she can't catch you after a certain amount of time, her sanity/patience meter will run out and she will go on a frenzy where she will run around hunting you down. I  also have seen people talking about her getting mad and just killing you, and I have been able to play normally each time I  have, where she is basically on me at all times, it kinda makes the game easier. There is a complaint I  have that was a little annoying, is when I  die and retry I  had to redo my sensitivity each time. I really think this game is cool and I  can't wait to see what happens in the next update!

Thanks for the feedback! yes currently its a bug where Q and E doesnt popup we would be fixing more and more bugs in the newer updates. the difficulty option will be added , which would make the AI do things alot more aggressive and adding time limit to certain progress would be a nice addition but for higher difficulty levels.