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Find the directory where you put Maelstrom on your computer, and also the directory where you put GOF.  In the Maelstrom directory, you should see folders for DirectX8_32bit, DirectX9_32bit, and DirectX8_64bit.  In GOF, you should see folders for Program and RESOURCE, along with a start.ini file.  Also in the Maelstrom folder, there is a shortcut called, Maelstrom GOF 2.5.  Right-click that shortcut and select "Properties" to edit.  For Target: put the path to your Maelstrom directory plus the path to the exact Maelstrom.exe you want to run, like this: 

Target:  C:\This is the path to my Maelstrom directory\DirectX9_64bit\Maelstrom.exe

Then, change the Start in: to the path where your GOF stuff is...example:

Start in:  C:\This is the path to my GOF directory that contains the Program and RESOURCE

Click OK to complete the shortcut edit screen, then launch that shortcut.


Thank you so much :D