Honestly this feels like an amazing jam game with a small handful of stumblings on the way to the finish line. The idea is simple yet does a good job with the given theme. Falling then having the gravity reverse to fall backwards with things changing on the fall back provides more interesting gameplay than not having the things change at all. The graphics are simple but are visually distinct because of it allowing for easier readability. Finally the levels feel pretty fair as you are shown them when they are less dangerous before changing to something more dangerous. The screenwrap is also a nice touch.
But then you have the weird camera when the shape spins, and the weird momentum when that happens. The confusing tutorial screen that only makes sense after you have a single run of the first level that mainly comes to understanding due to the simplicity of the mechanics. The shape being difficult to get up when you need to "climb" a cube to progress. And then only the menu having music.
This feels really suited to be a phone game, with swiping left and right to move and the more vertical design of phone screens allowing to see a longer distance ahead. Overall nice game, but there are a couple of things you can do to really improve upon it that can be rather simple to implement.