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This was super interesting. I have to admit the mechanic was actually rather annoying: I just couldn't figure out a reliable way to swing the sword, and many a sword swing seemed to do nothing to the enemies :(

Having said that, it's a testament to the sheer quality of your presentation and the interesting storyline you have going that I genuinely wanted to keep playing. Kudos! I also have the sneaking suspicion that maybe the frustration is deliberate and motivated by the story?

Unfortunately I crashed on after the little blue fellow who gives you the gentle reminder. I caught a glimpse of the the exception in the console window before it went down: I think it was a memory corruption trap that was caught during SFML.Audio.sfSound_play, with OtterTemplate.Entities.Enemy.Hurt() in the callstack. I was mid swing through a field of enemies.

I'll give it another go later!