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(10 edits) (+6)(-2)

edit: the steam version has more dlc available so better to buy there only has dlc 1-3 [edit: a version sold years ago was supposed to eventually come with a steam key but never did, from devs response this may have been an accidental release where they clicked the wrong box ie. "comes with steam key"] [edit: dev claims censorship is toggleable in this version]

edit:the download page still has the key claim box but there are no keys for it to dispense

"Claim Steam key

Your payment comes with a Steam key!

There are no keys available at this time, try again later" is where they originally sold the uncensored version on itch

edit: after posting the dev deleted the nsfw page and the associated download page so anyone who bought only through that page is SOL

btw made my purchases before game was released on steam


Sorry but, you're grossly misinformed sir and I would request you do more research or ask questions before spreading misinformation. 

The copy FA on this page is the uncensored version. We haven't had a censored version of FA in years. There is a toggle in the options menu to turn on and off censor. The page you are linking is out of date and was designed to build funding via donations during demo phase of development (4 years ago). As a thank you to those that donated $5 on the old page before release we offered a copy of the finished product of FA on this page. Which was a pretty sweet deal (=

I have no idea where you got the impression of getting a steam key for purchasing on itchio. I am a new developer but that seems wierd to me. If you wish to play on Steam why not just buy FA there?

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