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The game is good, but I'd say you should get rid of the black backround before you get jumpscared, because it would add a scarier jumpscare

Thanks DarknessMaked!

Unfortunately, I am no longer developing this game, but I will take this feedback into consideration for future titles. Thanks again!

This game is so awesome, I might check out your other games!

(Rating 99.99999/100)

(1 edit)

Maybe in a future game, could you add the 3 "Traps", a changable office(FNAF 1-6) and maybe an AI level?? Like: so you could go Insane Insane: Insane Mode, 35x35 all animatronics at AI Lvl 20. This would be awesome! 


And maybe a Nightmare Mode?(HARDER THAN INSANE)

That ISN'T actually a bad idea!

Oh yeah, well I rat this game 1000.00000/100,000,000

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