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Hello Ansimuz,

This background is fantastic, but I have a question. While browsing your creator page here on it doesn't seem to be listed amongst your other items? I knew I had seen it before so I had to google your name: "" to find it again. Is it intentional that it's not listed on your creator page for some reason? If so, what about the other environment backgrounds/battle backgrounds/parallaxes that you've made (like this one: that I also can only find though googling?

I guess I'm asking if these are supposed to be up or if it's something you had deleted. Since I'm interested in using some of these for my (commercial) game, I'd like to be sure that I'd be allowed to do so.

Also out of curiosity, would you consider doing commissions for other custom environmental backgrounds in the same style?

you can use them. I just forgot to  list them.  Sorry I'm not available.