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Pros and cons are down below)


1. The game is scary, I don't know what's it about that monster but it's so terrifying! Well done! I think the way it moved wass very creepy! I was also scared that it might be able to detect me under tables, but thankfully it could not!

2. I loved the puzzle. It's so cool to fo through rooms and looking for stuff while literally feeling the monster creeping in from the back!

3. I also loved how different all the endings are! I think that's awesome! I replayed it 4 times, spend like 2 hours and it was worth it!


1. When the monster appears the body is still lying in the room when the player first heard the gunshot. I think it supposed to be the same body, right? So, you might want to make it disappear from the room.

2. I didn't see the tutorial about pressing Q to get the holy water out. Was it anywhere in the game? If yes - me dumb dumb, if not - than that's not very nice! Please, add it somewhere, I genuinely though that my game was bugged!

3. I also managed to break the game somehow. Check out the vid to see the problem. Somewhere near the start my crouch speed changed to my walking speed and vice versa. After I died it fixed itself but still, maybe you'll fix that)

4. I think that when the clock stroke, the monster should have come investigate the sound immediately. And it didn't come at all. It's just... The sound was definitely louder than main character coughing. 


I think the game is great! It was very involving and I enjoyed playing it a lot. I even went through all endings! Also, the game scared me a couple of times which means that it's a good horror game! I'll rate it 5/5 though there are still places that need to be polished.

Hope my feedback was useful!


That's awesome! Yes I have noticed the problem with the body appearing... I am still trying to figure out why this happens and the sneaking thing is actually a feature that if you sneak a lot it will actually be easier to sneak and harder to walk normally. When you equip the holy water, there is a message on the screen that says "Holy Water (Q)"... but you are not the first person who have missed this so that's fine. The monster does investigate the clock at random and I do not want to make it less random because it's more predictable then and less scary!

Thanks for enjoying the game and being scared!


You scared the crap out of me when you put the black box on the "not" in "You speaking does not impact the game"... Damn I was like how the hell does that glitch out and I thought man here comes a whole day trying to solve that XD

Thank you for answering!
So sorry for the black box ahah, I put it simply to mess with people and I guess it worked)))

Check the game out again... The cheat codes are now FREE!