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Listen. I don't wanna be rough on another Gdevelop user.... but... 

Ok. Let me start with your art, music, and sound. They were all good. The visuals were a bit too dark in places, but good. It was interesting to be apart of that world for the 2 minutes before I got frustrated and rage quit. So apologies if this sounds rude, I'm genuinely just going to point out the things you wouldn't want to repeat in your later projects.

So here goes.
-The flashlight turned off whenever I reloaded, leaving me in the dark getting hit by enemies that I had no way of knowing were there.
-You have to touch doors to open them, which means you're almost immediately going to take damage because one of those slime balls is sitting still on the other side politely waiting for you to open the door for it.
-The bullets don't seem to hit those slime balls a good half of the time, I emptied a full clip in to one and it didn't die.
-Your laser sight should be bright neon red. If you can't find the thing you use to find things, something has gone wrong.
-You're able to fire while you're huddled on the ground in the respawning cutscene.
-You need more juice and sound design. I often took damage without realizing it, and I took a full 3 shots of damage from that first ranged enemy before I realized what was going on.
-Speaking of that ranged enemy, how do you get by him without taking damage?

All in all,
I gave you top marks on your art and animations. If I could give you the atmosphere award, I would.
But the game is just not player friendly.