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(2 edits)

I really wish I could give this game a better score.

It is a game, and you got in it within the time limit so congratz for that. It's a huge accomplishment just to get your game in, many did not.

I liked how each character had their own strength based on their size, the level itself is well designed.

-The games controls are floaty and make platforming difficult. Not fun difficult, frustrating difficult.
-The game lacks any real UI elements to tell how or what a player should be doing.
-The buttons you stand on didn't make a noise or do an animations so I wasn't even sure if those things we working.
-When you're making a game with instant death pit falls, you need checkpoints. The last section of the game with the rotating platforms over the pit killed me a bunch of times, and spawning me back at the start, rather than right back at the beginning of that section was just wasting my time.(And wasting your players time is never a good thing to do)

All in all,
-You should be happy you got your game in on time.
-Your level design is on point, you just need tighter movement mechanics and more information for the player so they know how to play and what they're supposed to be doing in the game.

(2 edits) (+1)

Really appreciate the feed back. We were stressing on time and cutting corners everywhere on the last day. But we finished a level and it was playable. I should be able to make those changes once the jam is over. The thing i didn't really understand is, what "The games controls are floaty and make platforming difficult" mean and how we can improve on that. Thank you again for feedback though.

(2 edits)

I've never made a 3d game before, so I can't say specifically how to make it feel better.

I wish I could give you exactly what it was that felt wrong, but it just felt like when I jumped I'd go further than I intended to, and I didn't have much control in the air to land where I wanted.

Giving it some thought. It might have had something to do with the character shadows. Check out "drop shadows" and how they help user experience, there are videos online about it. But it also could have been unintuitive momentum making me miss the platform. I did beat the game, but it was frustrating.