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Setting the minimum price as $0 will signal that the game is free to play, and Itch will promote it as such (it will appear on searches for free to play games etc). I can imagine users won’t be happy if they see a paid game there.

When you upload a file, there is the option “This file is a demo and can be downloaded for free”. This is the right approach to having a paid project with a free demo available.


Ahh, I see. I think I've been doing it wrong this whole time :-/ 

So I've changed it to a paid project, and set the demo like you said to "This file is a demo and can be downloaded for free" - I wasn't aware that this option exists as it only shows when you select a paid project. 

Thanks so much for helping me Dark Dimension, you're like's official spokesperson to me, helping me right my wrongs! 


It’s worth mentioning that users that bought your project when it was set as “Set a higher price for this file” do not own the game, so they won’t have access to new files uploaded to the project. This is at least my understanding of how this option is meant to work.

I think it would be better to find a way to give access to the project to those users, but that’s something I’m not familiar on how to do, and it’s also your call if you want to do it or not.

I feel like I need to point out I’m not part of Itch in any way, I’m just hosting my projects here. I just like helping people when I can :)

Yeah I guessed that, and thanks  for your help! 

Yeah it's a bit of a shame now that I've done what I've done, because now people will now have to pay for the game again. I'm a little bit unsure about how I feel about this though. It's horrible and capitalist of me to think that maybe that's okay because it's a payment for all the new content I'm adding 😄 Although that's probably cruel 🤔

I'm going to look up the "Exclusive content & Rewards" on itch to see if I can grant access to newer versions to those who've already purchased.