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  • As always your title screen pixel art looks really nice.
  • I game over'd on Night 4 due to running out of time. I think you need another way to scale the difficulty as the nights progress (although I guess this is just for the demo).
  • I'd be interested to see how the game would play with: way longer time limit, 2+ enemy dudes, only 1 villager girl at a time, and some way to affect the movement of the other characters (e.g. lure the enemies away while you trap the girl). Or something. Just more a "stealth game" compared to the current "frantically mass leech hordes of girls".
  • You've really captured the classic pixel art aesthetic well.
  • I can't really tell what the enemy dude is doing when he catches you. It sort of looks like he's holding something up but I can't tell what it is... maybe it should be a cross?
  • The girls really like running across the bridges towards me at the start.