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Hello Thomas,

Do you plan to convert this icon pack to a 16x16 format as well? There are some unique icons in here which I'd love to use for the UI in my game but since I'm using your 16x16 standard I'd have to hope for a convertion?

(1 edit)

I am planning to do all my iconpacks in 16x16.

However I can't say when I got time for production and therefore I don't have a fixed release date.

Okay, no worries. Just knowing you'll make them all (eventually) is reassuring enough for me. You've had a decent tempo up until now too so I'm not that worried.

Hey BearNovels,
It has been a couple of months, but the final version of this is finally available in 16x16px. Also in 32x32px too (if that's something you are interested in).


Oh, what a nice surprise! I’ll check it out.

great, hope you'll like it :)