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(1 edit) (+3)

This is a REALLY good game. Really good value too. The game's a little mechanically twitchy in places, but this is forgivable overall. and the controls are generally solid. It helps that the game does a really good job of the "encouraging" level design. These are challenging levels made to be beaten, not made to be struggled on indefinitely.

The name is also fitting; speaking of level design, a lot of obstacles and levels had a very natural rhythm and flow of their own; I like that the nature of the "Rite" is left a little in the player's imagination, but the game fits the name in a good way.

There are a lot of games like this that present a number of absurd collectibles. This is one of the few that's made me want to go back and get them. Whether I really will is for another time, but the fact that I want to? That's something.

Keep up the good work!


Hey kkairos, thank you so much for the kind words! Really glad you enjoyed RITE :)