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Hi, Emberfell! Thank you for playing C:DoD and for the meaningful feedback! I'll try to answer/comment on each point you made!

- Glad you liked my crappy sense of humour haha, and yes Terevska fought in the final battle still wearing the vomit-stained shirt (lmao).

- Yes, I'm really sorry about the 'walk through' errors in the map. I only noticed when I was done uploading the game. I have to take note of that when re-uploading a better version of the game.

- Oh! I didn't notice this mistake! Thank you for pointing it out. I will check it and correct it.

- Yeah, I have a tendency to go all speedy when making games since most of my games are story-driven, thus not giving players enough time to explore the world and characters. I'll have to slow down the pace next time. Happy to hear you like Siena and Kain's banters, as well as Ishana! Ishana is also one of my favourite characters. I think she's so cool and it was a joy to draw her! Man, should have added more screen time for her.

- Thank you! Yes, I tried to go for the JRPG genre. Just a trivia- the gameplay of this game was inspired by Suikoden Tierkreis, hence why it's so story-driven. And yes, I also spent a lot of time world-building, and the reason why the finale was so anti-climatic was because this is a prequel to the Crysmalia novel which still has Piero in it. I know the ending was somewhat of a disappointment, but well... Sorry about that.

- The HP/MP being unrestored during some story events was intentional because I thought it would add an element of difficulty. Though I do admit it's a bit unfair because story events sometimes catch players unexpectedly.

- Yes, I'm sorry, the ship was made in such a way that only allows you to explore the sea and go to Weycot. Perhaps next time I'll allow players to visit other places as well.

- No... Haha. You can't go to Palmyr beach. Originally I wanted to add a new map but it wasn't related to the game, but perhaps in the next update I'll add it. I just added it there because it's a brief cameo of the location of my other games, The Clock Chronicle and Kairos.

Thank you so much for taking your time to play and comment! I appreciate the constructive feedback you've given me, and I'll make sure to refer to your feedback when I make my next games. Cheers!