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Ah, of course! I remember you!

Some very cool CPC remakes!

How is that Ghost 'n' Goblins going? it was looking very promissing!


oh! thanks friend. you are one of the few who follow me. Unfortunately, it has been another of my projects on hold. It is also true that each step I take with a different engine, the code is optimized and I get it faster. who knows?

(1 edit)

I definetly know the feeling XD

I like to think that I follow great people with interesting projects, on the cusp of delivering it - keeps on my toes. Focus and don't give up!

Been working now two game engines: one for 8-bit and 16-bit machines and one for 16-bit and 32-bit ones (one evolution of the one used in this game). Each run on various degrees of "good" on both Amigas old school Macintoshes, depending on the configuration. But I do not want to simply retread my steps, but rather ship a really good RPG, that pushes the old machines to some new direction.

Sometimes I feel that targeting those old machines end up getting me stuck, but that's the only target that I feel would make the game relevant :(