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would it be possible to  have the xbox controls be included in this...? I prefer playing this game with the controller and I was sad to find out through the demo that I can't just lean back with a controller in hands to play. I suppose I could use xpadder, but it'd feel smoother to just have official controller support in there.


I'm with you - it's annoying, and I wish we had included gamepad support.  Sorry about that!  If we do A World of Keflings on PC, we'll consider that more seriously.


oh my god yes please, i loved this game, thank you ninjabee for making my childhood


Thank you!


you can just add it to your steam library.  That allows you to use any controller u want even ps3 or Nintendo switch!

adding a game to my steam library doesn't magically give it controller support lol, the devs themselves have to implement that functionality.

(1 edit)

Once you add the game to your steam library all you do is open big picture,  go to controller settings.  You can map the key press to a button on the controller.  I have done this myself its the only way I play a Kingdom for Keflings because i don't like mouse and keyboard!  it is literally a three step processes so it is kind of magic.  If you would like help my steam name is the same as my name you can add me and I would gladly walk you through it.  have a great day!  ;) 

this process works with all games and almost any controller!

keep up the good work ninja bee we all love you