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There were a lot of mechanics introduced during the tutorial and was very overwhelming. As a result, I didn't use shield till my second play through (which I did to figure out what shield was). The game wasn't that difficult, as shown by the fact I beat it first try without shield, which I found pretty disappointing. I think the first level could be cheesed by the fact the player can jump onto the grey bricks, though I didn't test it. Overall, it was a great concept and reminded me a lot of games I played as a child on Webkinz.

If you do add more levels, may I recommend introducing mechanics at a slower pace, so that the player can effectively use all of them?


Oh yeah, and I didn't like the fact that some of the collectibles seemed random. It encouraged me just to spam because the heart drop looks to be about equal to the actual color drop, meaning I got a lot more hearts than the current relevant color. It kinda made me immortal

Thanks for the feedback. I will take onboard the comments. Thanks for playing :)

Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing.