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Thanks for playing guys!

I'll be soon uploading an APK in case you want to test and some physics fixes.

I'd like to publish the game on Google Play soon, and I'm taking your feedback very seriously. I will surely attach these problems that you all have noticed:

  • The controls are not easy to understand and are not very well programmed. I guess after programming the multitouch controls for an Android device everything will be easier to handle
  • Some actions miss interesting feedback, like when digging
  • The game currently doesn't have an ending. It would be interesting to show something, at least a popup saying thanks for playing
  • This one is a must: it is very frustrating to be playing for 20 minutes a level and die at the very end. I will try to make a system for autosaving every some seconds so that there's always a fast-respawn available for playing
  • Maybe it is a nice idea to have some simplistic music