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Pretty neat there! I intentionally ran into everything... so I assume there was not a "death" scenario? Probably would have been cool if there were consequences for getting "hurt" other than screen shake... maybe lower visibility range or lower battery power but otherwise pretty neat concept. Also the mouse for look while moving was not something I could get used to especially since the flashlight always faced the mouse cursor. It become a little tedious when I "move past my mouse" and the flashlight shoots behind me suddenly.

Also nice choice of font for comments haha. You clearly have an eye for design.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for checking it out! And the game was initially going to be longer but due to some major time issues we trimmed the harder levels, the only level you can lose in is the very last level due to the amount of enemies in that space. And i understand the complaint on the mouse look. We were expecting more complex enemies but again due to time, we went a simpler route that didn't need a complex mouse look. So we shot ourselves in the foot 😣 lol it didn't help our initial teammate left halfway through the game jam and wasn't able to complete anything. But they were dealing with other stuff that we understood completely! But thank you again!