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Very cool idea for your game. My thoughts are similar to the other 2 comments.

  • The requirements to pass the level are a bit too difficult, especially for the very first level where people are learning to play. I almost managed to beat level 3 but the requirement to take 25 damage screwed me over as not many enemies were spawning, then I get sent back to the main menu.
  •  It seems like the player has 3 lives before having to start over, but I didnt see that indicated anywhere so you don't know how many lives you have left. Being able to earn extra lives would be nice.
  • Showing items and enemies in the red indicator would help a lot, its hard to focus on your character and the locations of the items that are coming.
  • Certain items seem useless on earlier levels, such as the key  which I assume opens chests? Also other than the requirement on level 2, I'm not sure what the coins are for, is it just a highscore thing?
  • I dont think this game really needs the AP meter, I died to this a few times because I dropped myself into the void not realizing I couldn't move away, thought it was just a bug at first before I realized my problem. I think the players movement is already limited enough from the layout of the blocks and walls. Having to stand still and wait for the next block to drop before moving or attacking doesnt really add much.
  • There are lots of different enemy types but almost all of them seem to do the same thing, just melee attack. You added lots of cool stage hazards so Im sure you can think of ways to make more unique enemies.  How about a rock golem that requires hammer points to kill, or a mage that fires through walls?

Overall its a cool idea for a game.